DE045-512 - Formative Christian Teaching
2,784 Standard Tuition Fee
12Credit Points
0.125 EFT
5AQF level
Category foundational unitA
deUnit Discipline
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of this unit, students willA. Know and understand
Demonstrate Foundational knowledge and understanding of Christian teaching in educational settings, including the methods and standards of professional, safe and ethical practice.
B. Be able to
1. Outline a theology of Christian education in school settings
2. Present Organised evidence-based perspectives on models and perspectives of Christian education in schools settings.
3. Observe and Reflect on being a Christian teacher in a school setting.
C. Be in a position to
Relating perspectives and skills from ‘Formative Christian Teaching’ to educational contexts.
Section A: Christian Education
1. History and development of Christian education in Australia
2. Models of Christian education in public and private schooling.
3. Theological perspectives on education.
Section B: Being a Christian in a school
1. A theology of work, teaching and being a Christian in the workplace
2. An examination of the role of the Christian teacher
3. The relational nature of teaching
4. Education roles in schools including teachers aid, chaplain, classroom teacher
Section C: Skills and practices of a Christian teacher
1. Models of teaching and learning including direct instruction, constructivism, inquiry learning, cognitive science
2. Working in a classroom: For example, Classroom management; Developing relationships with students; Collegiality; Teaching strategies and learning activities; Planning; Curriculum; Units of work; Lessons
3. Integrating Christian faith into your teaching
4. Developing a personal philosophy of Christian education
5. Work based skills and awareness: Professional ethics of Christian teaching; Working with diversity; Legal responsibilities; School responsibilities; Child protection
Section D: Christian Education in Practice
• Attending a Christian school for a minimum of 6 hours to observe, and then reflect on, teaching practices.
Set Readings
Anderson, M., & Jefferson, M., (2017). Transforming Schools: Creativity, Critical Reflection, Communication, Collaboration. London: Bloomsbury Publishing.
Breen, Mike, and Sternke, Ben, (2014). Oikonomics: How to invest in life’s five capitals the way Jesus did. USA: 3dM
Beech G (2015) Christians as Teachers: What Might it Look Like? Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock.
Cairney T Cowling B & Jensen M [Eds] (2011), New Perspectives on Anglican Education: Reconsidering Purpose and Plotting. Sydney, NSW: Anglican Education Commission.
Cairney TH (2018) Pedagogy and Education for Life: A Christian Reframing on Teaching, Learning and Formation. Eugene, Oregon : Cascade Books.
Chester, Tim, (2013). Gospel-Centred Work: Becoming the worker God wants you to be. Epsom: The Good Book Company.
Doriani, D. M. (2019). Work: Its purpose, dignity, and transformation. Phillipsburg: P&R Publishing.
Keller, T., (2012). Every Good Endeavour. London: Hodder & Stoughton.
Kilgour P and Christian B [Eds] (2019) Revealing Jesus in the Learning Environment: Experiences of Christian Educators. Cooranbong, Australia: Avondale Academic Press.
Glanzer PL and Alleman NF (2019) The Outrageous Idea of Christian Teaching. New York: Oxford University Press.
Goodlet K and Collier J [Eds] (2014) Teaching Well: Insights for Educators in Christian Schools, Canberra: Barton Books.
Graham DL (2009) Teaching Redemptively: Bringing Grace and Truth into Your
Classroom, Colorado Springs, CO : Purposeful Design Publications.
Luetz JM, Downdon T and Norsworthy B [eds] (2018) Reimagining Christian Education: Cultivating Transformative Approaches. Singapore: Routledge.
Martin, Kara, (2017). Workship: How to Use Your Work to Worship God. Singapore: Graceworks.
National Institute for Christian Education, Transformation by Design: The Big Picture
Palmer PJ (2017) The Courage to Teach: Exploring the Inner Landscape of a Teacher’s Life. Twentieth Anniversary Edition. San Francisco: Wiley and Sons.
Shortt J (2014) Bible-Shaped Teaching. Eugene, Oregon: Wipf & Stock.
Smith DI (2018) On Christian Teaching: Practicing Faith in the Classroom. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Eerdmans.
Smith JKA (2009) Desiring the Kingdom: Worship, Worldview and Cultural Formation. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Academic.
Smith DI and Smith JKA (2011) Teaching and Christian Practices: Reshaping Faith and Learning. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Eerdmans Publishing.
Swaner LE and Wolfe A (2021). Flourishing Together: A Christian Vision for Students, Educators and Schools. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Eerdmans Publishing.
Taylor, W., (2016). Revolutionary work: What’s the point of the 9 to 5? Lancashire: 10 Publishing.
Volf, M., (2011). A Public Faith: How Followers of Christ Should Serve the Common Good. Grand Rapids: Brazos.
Witherington, B., (2011). Work: A Kingdom Perspective on Labor. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans.
Useful Websites
What if Learning
Christian Schools Australia
Anglican EdComm
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Youthworks College05/02/202430/08/202430/11/2024On CampusEnquire
Youthworks College10/02/202529/08/202530/11/2025On CampusEnquire