The Australian College of Theology operates through a confessionally diverse, national network of Bible and theological colleges delivering the awards of the College on its behalf. Students and staff join the ACT through one of its Affiliated Colleges, where each learning community has its own distinctive features.
The Australian College of Theology and the Affiliated Colleges are committed to excellence in learning, teaching, research, and high standards of scholarship in theological education.
The ACT has consistently scored 1st for overall student experience in the Student Experience Survey among institutions with over 1,000 students, exceeding all universities. This demonstrates the commitment of ACT academics to excellence in teaching and learning informed by research and scholarship.
As a University College, ACT has self-accrediting authority in the field of Religious Studies.
Information about the course accreditation process and the dates of accreditation of courses is available here.
The relationship between a college and the ACT is expressed in the Institutional Approval Criteria and an Affiliation Agreement signed by each affiliated college and the Board of Directors, which is the governing body of the ACT.
Colleges affiliated with the Australian College of Theology are represented at all levels of ACT governance. Affiliated colleges are in a consortium which exists to strengthen all members.