Sean Kong, MDiv
Sean Kong, MDiv
STUDENT SPOTLIGHT: Sean Kong, Master of Divinity, Brisbane School of Theology
Sean Kong is the Assistant Pastor to a multicultural Asian community at Sherwood Methodist Church in Brisbane in their English services. Sean started working there while he was still studying at Brisbane School of Theology (BST), on the recommendation of a BST lecturer. He didn’t start out wanting to be a pastor, in fact, Sean first pursued his childhood dream to be a movie director and completed a Bachelor of Film Theory and Film Production. But there was something else he was more passionate about than filmmaking.
“For a number of years I wrestled with my passion to be a director, but I realised that the thing I loved most has always been the Bible, since the day I became a Christian—preaching and explaining God’s word to people. I get really excited when I see God’s word being digested by the people in the congregation. When I see their ears becoming opened to God’s word, through the preaching and teaching, that’s when I know this is what God was, and is, calling me to do.”
Sean is South Korean, and his background, combined with the education and training which he received from BST, made him a wonderful fit for a diverse congregation like the one at Sherwood Methodist Church. BST launched its Centre for Asian Christianity in 2016 and is passionate to train up people in preparation for ministry in Asian contexts, whether locally or overseas.
Geoff Eggins, MDiv
Geoff Eggins, MDiv
Student spotlight: Geoff Eggins, Master of Divinity, Malyon College
“There has been a number of elements in studying at Malyon that I didn’t expect to find. I have had opportunity to gain Godly insight and wisdom from many wonderful Christian men and women across a range of formal areas but also I have gained so much from them in many of the less formal areas.
“There have been many opportunities for pointed reflections on my obedience to Christ and moments of personal repentance as a result. I have been stretched in my preaching, teaching and leadership. I have been challenged to consider the missional heart of God and transform my ministry practice to align with it. The development of lifelong friends and the support and encouragement of fellow workers in Christ has also been a wonderful part of my time at Malyon.
“This was much more than I bargained for initially, and for that I am truly thankful. I recommend Malyon College to anyone seeking to grow not just in their knowledge of Christ, but in their obedience and love for him also.“
Learn more about Malyon College.
Bree Mills, MML (cand.)
Bree Mills, MML (cand.)
Student spotlight: Bree Mills, Master of Missional Leadership, Morling College
Why did you choose the Master of Missional Leadership at Morling College, and how are you finding it so far?
“I was looking to study missiology in leadership and searched far and wide for a tertiary institution that understood missiology from a local and global perspective and leadership from more than just a CEO style leadership and management perspective. Being a wife, mother and leader at our church, I also needed the course to be flexible. Morling ticked all those boxes.
“So far the course has been excellent, albeit challenging at times, which is something I feel I needed. The course is pushing me to read things I would not normally read from authors who present their views in different ways. I have learned that missional thinking is not new and has been there all along in the history of the Church. I’ve also learned that my views were somewhat shallow. I had the headline in my thinking, not the whole article.
“Engaging with other course participants has seen my confidence grow and I find myself contributing to in depth theological discussions far more than I would have felt comfortable to previously. I think my pastor would say that this has been the biggest change in me, not just confidence to articulate my missional views, but my theological views and the importance of establishing a solid theological grounding. Overall, my studies are helping me explore the bigger picture and be more focused in the way I choose to move forward.”
Learn more about Morling College.
Helen Dwyer, BMin
Helen Dwyer, BMin
Student spotlight: Helen Dwyer, Bachelor of Ministry, RIdley College
ACT Bachelor of Ministry graduate from Ridley College, Helen Dwyer has a clear vision: “I want people to think counter-culturally, just like Jesus did.” Helen endeavors to be a living witness to God’s love, mercy and compassion as she journeys with those she ministers to. “I lead them, nudge them and nurture them. I reflect back to them what’s going on around them, but through the lens of faith, with all the hope, love and grace that comes through faith in Jesus.”
Helen is the Aboriginal Reconciliation Liaison Officer for the Anglican Diocese of Melbourne, a new position that was created in response to the Diocesan Reconciliation Action Plan. Helen is excited about this role, “It allows me to meld together my faith, my Aboriginal heritage and my call to ministry.” In the role, Helen works with Anglican Parishes, schools and agencies around the Diocese, helping them to explore what reconciliation is, why there is a biblical mandate to seek it, and possibilities about how it might be achieved.
Helen is also a chaplain at Overnewton Anglican Community College. ” I have the important job of helping the students and staff understand how the Bible is still relevant to them now,” says Helen.
Josh Reeve, MDiv, PhD (cand.)
Josh Reeve, MDiv, PhD (cand.)
Student spotlight: Josh Reeve, Master of Divinity, Doctor of Philosophy Candidate, Sydney Missionary & Bible College
“Having experienced working amongst disabled children in Albania on several trips, my wife and I realised that this was the ministry we wanted to devote ourselves to full time. We also came to the conclusion that we needed to get some serious mission and theological training before we embarked on this adventure.
“We chose SMBC for its focus, and expertise, both with missions and spiritual formation. We wanted somewhere were we didn’t just sit in lectures, but we were challenged in our spiritual growth as well.
“We feel our time at SMBC has prepared us well for our work ahead. From being mentored by the lecturers and spiritual formation classes, to prayer groups and college missions – all not just giving us head knowledge, but helping us to develop character traits that will sustain us in long-term mission and ministry.
“And, of course, we’ve loved the study here at SMBC – digging deep into the Bible and looking at how we can take its message out to the world. The quality and accessibility of the lecturers have made this a very rich journey.
“I’ve loved the study so much that I’ve stayed on to do a PhD looking at disability in the Old Testament. It’s a joy to really drill down into an area that’s going to be a big part of our ministry. My PhD will also open up new ministry avenues for us, with the potential to teach in theological colleges and be involved in pastor training in Albania.
“We have also loved the community here at college. As we head off to Albania, one of the really encouraging things is that many of our supporters are people that we’ve met here at SMBC – and hopefully will always be part of our lives.”
Pete Greenwood, MDiv/GradDipDiv
Pete Greenwood, MDiv/GradDipDiv
Student spotlight: Pete Greenwood, Master of Divinity / Graduate Diploma of Divinity, Ridley College
Pete Greenwood is the lead pastor of Inner West Anglican Church, which was planted in 2015 with a vision to see many lives transformed by the Gospel. Pete says that his time at Ridley prepared him well to serve in church planting. “It was in classes on the Bible, theology and history that my understanding of who God is and what he has done was expanded. And it was in my preparation for ordination through the Anglican Institute that my desire to plant a church that makes fully-formed missionary disciples was nurtured.”
Pete can also see the impact of many others who have been trained at Ridley. “I’ve seen how God has used this college to build his kingdom in Melbourne. Churches are being planted, lives are being changed and society is being impacted through the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The future of Gospel ministry is all the brighter because of the work of Ridley in training faithful ministers who love Jesus and his church.”
Jasmine Lee, MDiv
Jasmine Lee, MDiv
Student spotlight: Jasmine Lee, Master of Divinity, Sydney Missionary & Bible College
“Prior to studying at SMBC, I worked as a government and community lawyer in the western areas of Sydney. While I thoroughly enjoyed my work as a lawyer, I felt the increasing burden that the greatest help I could offer others was not legal solutions, but Jesus himself.
“With merely the desire to be equipped for whatever God had in store for me, I chose to study at SMBC because of its well-rounded diversity – its academic rigour coupled with practical ministry training, and overarching emphasis on spiritual formation. SMBC is an interdenominational college with graduates who serve locally and globally in all forms of vocational ministries and professions.
“Doing life and studies in this diverse setting was challenging and transforming.
“Through my studies at SMBC, my eyes were widened more to the beauty and depth of Scripture; my mind humbled by the vast expanse of Theology, and my heart made to align more to God’s own heart for the nations.
“Rubbing shoulders with lecturers, fellow students, weekly visiting Christian workers and missionaries, all from various backgrounds and denominations, served to highlight more clearly the crux of our faith, theology and gospel message. The opportunities to meet people from all social, ethnic and religious backgrounds through excursions and mission trips brought the lessons of the classroom into real life.
“My time at SMBC was a key aspect of my journey towards serving as a missionary to university students in Thailand and was invaluable training as I served in an international and interdenominational team. It has also been a strong foundation and model for me now as I teach and mentor others to go out in love and serve the Lord – for whatever He has in store for them!”